Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Evan's Anchor Update


Ever think that your belief on whether or not your brain can grow could affect your grades. Students in a survey showed that I f they thought that there intelligence was fixed then they had lower grades than someone that thought that there brain could grow and expand. Then students that were given a class that showed that there brain really does grow with learning, grades went up. Is this just a bunch of hullabaloo? You decide.

Tuesday February 25, 2007


Nearly three hundred people in 39 states fell ill with salmonella since August, and they suspect that certain types of peter pan and Wal-Mart’s Great Value House Brand peanut butter are to blame. They say that if you have peanut butter with a product code starting with “2111” then throw it out.


Ever think that music could affect alligators, and not I the way you think. When people played a B-flat for any gator it bellowed. Weird. Scientists don’t have any Idea why. On a different scene, scientists recently found a black hole that was emitting sound waves. They weren’t B-Flats though. They were 57 octaves lower than a C. That’s way lower than we can hear.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Thanks Rachel and Evvan.
Hey Tyler, do you know what the strongest animal in the world is?
No, let me guess, a bear?
An elephant?
A whale?
Nope, it’s a beetle.
A what?
A rhinoceros beetle, it can lift 850 times its own weight.
Well, Katie, do you know some of the things people take from animals and put in products?
I know they take the meat away from the poor animals to eat it.
Yah but you probably didn’t know lipstick usually contain fish scales!
Wow. Listen to this. Rhino horns are used for many things, but the weirdest is in pudding.
Ew. You mean the gelatin in their horn is used in pudding!
Sometimes. Plus gelatin AND Crisco are used in Oreos!
Isn’t Crisco animal fat?
Yes! Moving on…for those who have a fear of spiders, getting bit by one actually isn’t that harmful.
You are more likely to be killed by a Champagne cork than by a poisonous spider.
Hope you don’t get killed by any champagne corks!
I’m Katie Perkins.
And I’m Tyler McEwen.
For News You Can Use!


Thanks Jacob and Delany.

Last weekend about 70 7th graders and 10 adult chaperons went to Catalina Island Marine Institute at Toyon Bay.
We snorkeled, hiked, dissected squids, and learned about the marine life on Catalina.

When we snorkeled we saw bat ray, opal eyes, blacksmith, cientrarieta fish, shovel-nose guitar fish, kelp bass, and one group even saw a poisonous Cabazon. We also saw the California State Marine fish, the Garibaldi.


We dissected squid, or loligo opanesence, that’s the scientific name.
The squid has an ink sack, which we got to draw all over our faces with.

Some groups got to try the rock climbing wall.
And many people attempted the beast, that was the most difficult wall, but nobody got to the top.
Other groups hiked around Catalina and saw the terrestrial life on the island.

We also learned about bioluminescence.
That’s when living organisms emit light due to chemical reactions.
Many animals that live very deep in the ocean, were there is no light, do this for luring prey, protection against predators, and for attracting mates.
It’s beautiful… and useful.

I learned so much Catalina, while actually having fun.
Sounds cheesy but it’s true.

Until next time, I’m Katie Perkins.
Back to you Jacob and Delaney.


Myspace: a place for friends; but what kind of friends? It’s a great place to communicate with friends, make new ones, and express yourself; sounds great… right? Not so right.

Many predators use myspace as a lure for children. Police say a 14-year old from Escondido was raped earlier this month by a man who lured her to South Dakota on MySpace. In Northern California, a 15-year-old Kayla Reed, mysteriously disappeared after meeting a man on myspace. She was active on MySpace until the day she disappeared. The Center for Missing and Exploited Children reported more than 2,600 incidents last year of adults using the Internet to entice children. "Just like a car accident, it can happen to you," says high school student Julia Rinaldi. "Predators can come to you — and that's what [children] don't think when they post those things." "When they think MySpace, they think other teenagers. They don't think there are adults pretending to be teenagers."

If you really just can’t live without your myspace, here are some tips to make it safer. First, and foremost, NEVER give out any personal information. That means your name, phone number, address, and school name. Only talk to people you know. And, absolutely, don’t post pictures of yourself.

Myspace is fun, unless something happens, then it’s not so fun. Take the proper precautions, or don’t sign up at all.
I’m Katie Perkins and I’m Tyler McEwen, for Wildcat Daily Broadcast.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


The world is quite a strange place.
Here are some facts to prove it.
Did you know a snail can sleep for 3 years?
No, I didn’t, well, in North Dakota, it is illegal to sing in the shower.
That’s weird. Also, Chewing gum has rubber as an ingredient.
You know what’s weirder, in the 1800’s cats were used to deliver mail.
What’s wrong?
I just remembered, cat pee glows in the dark.
That’s gross!
Also, did you know, being unmarried can shorten a man's life by ten whole years?
Speaking of marriage, in Los Angeles, a secretary named Jennae officially married a fifty pound rock.
Oh, I heard about that, more than 100 people witnessed the ceremony. How about this: it’s almost impossible for someone to lick their elbow?
Also a single chocolate chip gives enough energy for a human to walk 150 feet.
In the 18th century potatoes were given out as a dessert.
Also in the 1800s, washing machines and butter churners were sometimes powered by dogs walking on treadmills.
People in the 1800s were wacky.
That’s all for Katie Perkins and Tyler McEwen: News You Can Use


Ask any middle-schooler if homework is bad and chances are they’ll say “YES!”
Ask a teacher, and they might respond differently.
So who’s right?
Surprisingly, it might just be the student.

At Sequoia Junior High School teachers agree. This school has limited each nights homework to only 15 minutes for each subject a night. But why? Well, studies have proven that increased homework isn’t helping test scores. And with all this homework, plus sports, plus school, plus after school clubs kids hardly have time just be kids. Also, it’s hard for single-parent families or working parents to provide help for their children. Homework isn’t just causing stressed out kids, it’s making for very heavy back packs. These overstuffed bags can lead to back problems. What else is homework causing, a cheating epidemic. Even I admit, I might have copied once, but don’t think just because homework isn’t all good you should cheat, or start freaking out at your teacher. Instead, try having a calm discussion with them. Back your opinions up with facts, it will have a much more positive effect than screaming at them.

So after all this, why do teachers support homework. For one reason they say it re-inforces concepts studied at school, and develops life long independent study skills. Maybe you should ask your teacher.

I’m Katie Perkins
And I’m Tyler McEwen.
For News You Can Use.