Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Evan's Anchor Update


Ever think that your belief on whether or not your brain can grow could affect your grades. Students in a survey showed that I f they thought that there intelligence was fixed then they had lower grades than someone that thought that there brain could grow and expand. Then students that were given a class that showed that there brain really does grow with learning, grades went up. Is this just a bunch of hullabaloo? You decide.

Tuesday February 25, 2007


Nearly three hundred people in 39 states fell ill with salmonella since August, and they suspect that certain types of peter pan and Wal-Mart’s Great Value House Brand peanut butter are to blame. They say that if you have peanut butter with a product code starting with “2111” then throw it out.


Ever think that music could affect alligators, and not I the way you think. When people played a B-flat for any gator it bellowed. Weird. Scientists don’t have any Idea why. On a different scene, scientists recently found a black hole that was emitting sound waves. They weren’t B-Flats though. They were 57 octaves lower than a C. That’s way lower than we can hear.

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