Thursday, February 15, 2007


Thanks Rachel and Evvan.
Hey Tyler, do you know what the strongest animal in the world is?
No, let me guess, a bear?
An elephant?
A whale?
Nope, it’s a beetle.
A what?
A rhinoceros beetle, it can lift 850 times its own weight.
Well, Katie, do you know some of the things people take from animals and put in products?
I know they take the meat away from the poor animals to eat it.
Yah but you probably didn’t know lipstick usually contain fish scales!
Wow. Listen to this. Rhino horns are used for many things, but the weirdest is in pudding.
Ew. You mean the gelatin in their horn is used in pudding!
Sometimes. Plus gelatin AND Crisco are used in Oreos!
Isn’t Crisco animal fat?
Yes! Moving on…for those who have a fear of spiders, getting bit by one actually isn’t that harmful.
You are more likely to be killed by a Champagne cork than by a poisonous spider.
Hope you don’t get killed by any champagne corks!
I’m Katie Perkins.
And I’m Tyler McEwen.
For News You Can Use!


evildemonpixie said...

Um....ok, my fried sent me to this blog, and all I can say is :.....Seen weirder.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kat...
You look like a beetle.