Thursday, February 8, 2007


Ask any middle-schooler if homework is bad and chances are they’ll say “YES!”
Ask a teacher, and they might respond differently.
So who’s right?
Surprisingly, it might just be the student.

At Sequoia Junior High School teachers agree. This school has limited each nights homework to only 15 minutes for each subject a night. But why? Well, studies have proven that increased homework isn’t helping test scores. And with all this homework, plus sports, plus school, plus after school clubs kids hardly have time just be kids. Also, it’s hard for single-parent families or working parents to provide help for their children. Homework isn’t just causing stressed out kids, it’s making for very heavy back packs. These overstuffed bags can lead to back problems. What else is homework causing, a cheating epidemic. Even I admit, I might have copied once, but don’t think just because homework isn’t all good you should cheat, or start freaking out at your teacher. Instead, try having a calm discussion with them. Back your opinions up with facts, it will have a much more positive effect than screaming at them.

So after all this, why do teachers support homework. For one reason they say it re-inforces concepts studied at school, and develops life long independent study skills. Maybe you should ask your teacher.

I’m Katie Perkins
And I’m Tyler McEwen.
For News You Can Use.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I luved this story!!! I totally agree about too much homework being assigned.